Let's take a peek at how I did!!!!
1. Keep exercising 3 times a week so that I go down 2 dress sizes! -
{I did it - sometimes 3 times a week, sometimes 2....I went down 3 dress sizes - YAY for me!}
2. Read 40 books for FUN! This does not include the 1000 books I am going to read with my children before the end of the school year (actually, I am reading the 1000 books with Xavier and Bella, so that is 2000 books). {okay, that didn't happen, but I did read a TON with the kids, so I am happy about that!}
3. Take my girls to the American Girl store in NYC! Let them each select a new doll! Take lots of pictures. {Well, we didn't get to NYC with the girls, but they each got a new doll for their birthdays}
4. Go to see Elton John in Vegas. Cry when he sings “Your Song”. Hold Todd's hand and squeeze it regularly so he knows how much I appreciate him. {Nope, didn't get to see Elton. We are taking the girls to see Carrie Underwood this Saturday for their birthday. Note to self, sit next to Todd, squeeze his hand}
5. Re-learn how to knit. Make myself a nice blue scarf ! {AW CRAP! I totally forgot about this one! Anyone want to make me a scarf??? LOL!}
6. Climb the Eiffel Tower wearing a black beret with Todd. Hold hands at the top and give him a long, extended kiss. {YAY! I did this!!! Check it out!!}
7. Go to at least ONE Broadway show. This will not include my daughter’s friend’s local version of Annie. Real Broadway show, real city! I am thinking Grease (I did sit through an entire season of "You're the one that I want" and my favorite's one!) {DID IT!!! I went to see Spamalot a few weeks ago with my girlfriends! I ev
en met Clay Aiken after the show (he was my favorite in Season 2!!!)}
8. Hang all the items I purchased for the walls in my home. This will be a feat and I may have to enlist the help of my wonderful brother in law! {I hung up a few things, there are so many more things to get hung up though! Oh Michael!!!}
9. Spend at least one week not changing a diaper! I would go as far as 2 days! {I did this a couple of times - once when in Paris and once then again when I was recovering from surgery. Don't get me wrong - I only have one in diapers now...it's not that bad!}
10. Go on a stamping retreat with my girlfriends. Stamp till my hands hurt and laugh until my sides split! {Totally did this!!! It was so much fun! Not only did I stamp for three days in a row, I lear
ned how to solder jewelry (thanks Pine), make playing card books, drink margaritas (thanks Maria), giggle all night (AngFab, Navy, Prinny, Otter), play in the Stamping Olympics (thanks Stevie, Nancy, Donna), eat till my belly ached (yummy food HB!), and know that I was surrounded by so many friends! I also got to witness Pine (Heather Nichol's) first PaperTrey Ink stamp set go LIVE! It was a thrilling weekend beyond words! }
11. Bring Xavier to a Yankees, Rangers or Giants game. Bring along Todd! Cheer loudly! Drink a beer and eat a hotdog with ALL the fixin's. {Okay, we didn't get to do this yet, but the Giants won the Superbowl! That moment was shared by my entire family and was one of the best memories I have of the past year! Here we are just after the game ended! Can you tell it was nearly 1 am and the kids had school the next day! }
12. Get at least one card published in a magazine!
{Not yet, but they did name a stamp set after my daughter Sophie G {Hanna Stamps!} and I will have a card published in a magazine in November. I will try and post a photo of it soon. It is a local magazine and the article is called "the lost art of the Thank You Note!" with a photo of one of my cards" 13. Organize my ribbon. {Accomplished October, 2007}
14. Eat in the dining room once a week! {this would mean removing all the crap from the table and hanging it on the walls – see number 8} {We actually have been doing this every Sunday and we are trying to eat in there more often! YAY!}
15. Become a member of a Stamping Design Team {Accomplished October, 2007! I was asked to be on Hanna Stamps! and Kitchen Sink Stamps last October and I have been a full time member on both teams since then. Thank You Maria and Kristi!}
16. Eat healthier, stop drinking diet soda {yeah, right!} {Well, I am totally off soda! I have been eating much healthier and although some days are not great, most days I do really well!}
17. Label all my stamp sets {started October 2007 - I love my label maker!}
18. Go white water rafting {accomplished 2006 - this was *SO* much fun! My brother in law Michael took us out during the summer of 2006! It was a surreal experience!}
19. Find a pair of boots that fit me like a glove!!! {OH YAY! On my trip to NYC, I got a pair of Uggs! And they certainly fit me perfectly!}
20. Find a pair of gloves that fit me like a boot? (Nah, never mind. I will settle for a nice pair on jeans that fit me good). {accomplished - Vera Wang's new jeans a Kohl's - I have had to keep buying smaller and smaller sizes!}
21. Eat pasta in Italy (and maybe have a cappuccino in a café watching the locals hustle and bustle around us.) {I was so close to Italy, but I didn't get to do this :( Maybe another time!}
22. Accept my body’s imperfections. Most of them are because I have given birth to six beautiful, he
althy children. (is this even possible? I guess I should just refer to number 1.) {I have totally accepted my body! I think Todd finally has too! I think that it is hard for women to do this, especially in this day and age, but I am happy with how I look!}
23. Host a dinner party. Invite all my friends – drink wine and savor each bite of food! {Todd and I did this last Christmas. We had his entire group from work over and we had a blast!}
24. Start building the camp! Choose a design and get ‘r dun! {We chose a builder, not set on plans yet.}
25. Give blood. I have always wanted to do this, but I have not been able to do it! {Oops! Not yet!}
26. See a college football game live and cheer like I am a co-ed at that school! {accomplished October 20, 2007 UCLA vs Cal - I cheered on the Bruins as they upset the Bears!}
27. Visit West Point! Maybe take in an Army football game. {Not yet. Tasia promised we would go one day!}
29. Watch the sun set from a boat.{Oh yeah! We did this on the River Cruise in Provence!}
30. Go deep sea fishing. Catch a fish! {Accomplished with Todd in 1994}
31. Sleep until noon! {Did this when recovering from surgery! Does it count?}
32. Horseback ride with the kids! {Does a hayride count? LOL! Next summer in Lake George!}
33. reconnect with a former high school friend {Accomplished in 2006 when I planned my 20th HS Reunion! Hi Chad, Hi Siobhan, Hi Annette! Plus all the friends from Todd's class!}
34. sleep under the stars {Hmmm....does sleeping with the shades open count?}
36. try one new food a month {I tried stuff, not a lot, but maybe twelve new things...so okay!!}
37. learn to play edelweiss on the piano {I didn't, but Karen did! She is playing it at her recital this year! It's even better when Sophie sings along!}
38. swim with the dolphins and not be scared! {I went in the ocean when there were Dolphins, but I wasn't close to them....and I still have such a fear of swimming in the ocean!}
39. plant a vegetable garden and share the items with family, friends & neighbors {accomplished 2007! Love my tomatos}
40. plant one tree for each of my children.
{We did that this year! Todd and I lined pear trees on the edge of the driveway. Looks Purdy!}I guess I did pretty good!! I am sure that reading books ad knitting would have been fun things to do....and giving blood....well....that would have been nice to do, but all in all, I did pretty dang good! (PATS SELF ON BACK!)
Have you started your list yet?